Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Standard of Modesty for Christian Men and Women

This is a topic that I’ve been struggling with (and still somewhat am).
 What are the standards of modesty for both men and women?
Whenever we here a modesty lecture, it’s mostly aimed at women.
I didn’t really get it. Why women to cover ourselves but men aren’t as pushed to as we are.
I talked to my fiancé about it. His thoughts were men are but in different ways.
At first I began to feel kind f down. Started to doubt my entire stance on modesty.  I almost felt it was unfair that a man could walk around in cut off shirt and shorts were not considered immodest but a woman in a tank and shorts is.
My fiancĂ© thought that was silly. Asked me “Who would consider a tank top immodest? That’s when I realized. Lately, I’ve put on a brand new standard of modesty on myself. That’s something personal to me. I barely wear shirts that are less than three quarter sleeves if I wear the house. This is something new to me and it’s only FOR ME.

I don’t look at a woman who wears a short sleeve t-shirt and think her immodest.

But he told me something I didn’t think about.

You see, men and women are told not to carry ourselves in a sexual manner.
Now, you could say a woman who wears a low cut midriff top, mini skirt, and starts to twerk on the dance floor, is carrying herself in a sexual manner, (To my PERSONAL standards) depending on her intent.

The same could be a man who comes up to a woman, and begins to stroke her hair, caress her cheek, and whisper seductive things in her ear.
Really, the same could be said to a man who is rolling his hips and caressing his female dance partner softly.

The question with these three scenarios: What is the intent?

You see as Children of God we are told to carry ourselves in a modest manner. Yes, women are told to cover but men are also told not to act like animals.

Now, what about dressing modestly for men.
Well, men (And women) are told not to be prideful and arrogant. So think of it this way:
A man who bench presses every day, tans every day, gels his hair and tweezes his eyebrows every. He goes about wearing tight pants, a cut off shirt, and designer sunglasses.

Depending on his intent he could be carrying himself in an immodest manner because he is showing off his looks. He looks at all the women and thinks to himself “I could have her, and her, and her, anytime I want. There’s no way they could resist me.” And then goes up to women. Buys them a coffee, tells them they’re
sexy, caress their hair, and whisper inappropriate things in her ear.

That is immodesty. He is not looking at the women as people but as sexual objects for one purpose. He’s not looking for a relationship. He’s looking for a booty call.

That’s the important thing, I think. The way we carry ourselves and our intent. The way we look at the opposite sex and the way we want the opposite sex to look at us.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Father, Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They do

We’ve all heard that verse, right? Surely, even those that were not raised in Christian homes.

When Christ was near death, broken, bleeding, while the people who nailed him there taunt him, mocked him, and spit on him.

Did he curse at them? No…
Did he hate them? No…
He asked God to forgive them…

How many of us can say that when someone wrongs us?

I’m “preaching” to myself, here. This is something God has been working on me for a while.

As you may have noticed, I get angry!
I’m human. We all do.
I got angry when I saw FEMEN sawing down a crucifix. I get angry when people crazy for believing in something they can’t understand.
I get angry when people wrong me. I forget that behind the faces that insult me, lays a soul. A human being with feelings just like I do. Someone who God created just like he created me.
I’ve tried to justify my anger.
“They insulted me! They “persecuted” me! I am entitled to anger!”
We all do this. We’re human, right?
Let me tell everyone, including my fellow Christians in America. Most of us don’t know what persecution really is!
What happened during Holy Week in Saudi Arabia was persecution! Not someone telling you that you believe in fairy tales because you read the Bible.

“But we have to do what we can to preserve Christian values in America, Apple!
What are we to do with those who want to destroy Christianity in this country?”

Do ye have such little faith that you honestly think Christianity can be destroyed?
Have you forgotten God’s got a plan? That he knows all? He knows our past, present, and future?
And most of all, have you forgotten the teachings of Christ?

Matthew 6:14-15

For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

Mark 11:25

And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. "

“But what are we to do with them after we forgive them?”

Pray for them. 
“That’s it?”

I never got that. When Christians say “what, just pray?”
To a non-believer, praying may seem like nothing. As if you are just wishing like you would on a star.
There are two things that the Bible says are our most power tools. Love and Prayer.
And when you pray in love, you develop a peace in your soul and you can move mountains!
“We have to love them to?”
Did you forget the greatest commandments?
“30 you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.” 31 The second is this, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Yet with this commandment (which fulfills the law. No need to put the 10 commandments in front of the court house when you live by this law!)
Why are we as Christians not known by our love?
Someone pushes us, boy do we push right back.
But that’s not what God told us to do!

Remember “turn the other cheek”?
Remember the Beatitudes?
Remember Christ praying for those who killed him?